Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Two Thousand and Eleven, Common Era

Here's some advice I wish I got when I was your age: Live every week like a Shark Week

It's officially five days into the new year and I still can't reallybring myself to want to write my 2010 recap. The latter half of the year has, overall, bummed me out and I'm mostly just trying to close my eyes, plug my ears, and yell "lalalalala" until July when my lease is up and I can make a change again.

Things I Hope Come to Pass in '10
-Get out to Oregon to visit SB
Success! The Pacific northwest coast is interesting, gorgeous, and I'm raring to go back.
-Move to Chicago with Seester
Success? I did it. We're here. It's okay I guess.
-Get a Real Job (I'd love NPR or Q101, but I'm not picky) Caveat: acceptable alternative--go to grad school
Nope. But I've made up my mind with what I want to do with myself.
-Stick with The Boy
I'm giving this a 50% success rate.
-Keep up the healthy habits
Failure, I suppose. I have managed to moderate my eating habits.
-Grow my hair all long(er) and sexy-like
-Go to at least one wedding. Everyone keeps getting married and no one ever invites me!
Success! Three weddings! Ah ah ah.
-Write more
This is another 50% success rate. I wrote more. Just not in here.

It's always quite difficult to sum up my feelings about a year once it's over. A year is still a very long time for my young little brain and last January seems very, very far away. Judging from the handful of entries I composed this past year, 2010 went something like this: Trying to improve my life by exercising and eating right, thinking that was crap and too hard, trying to salvage my relationship as I felt it slipping away, being crushingly sad about being broken up, hating working in the city, being nervously ecstatic that The Boy wanted to work it out, still hating working in the city. The end.

It's been a learning year, overall. I learned about my limits when it comes to will power and work ethic. I learned a good deal about love and relationships. I've learned a lot about my personality and what I'm capable of dealing with, and a lot about city folk and human nature. Overall 2010 has ended on a lower note than it began. I miss my friends in the suburbs. I miss my regulars. I miss work being laid-back. I'm still scared that things with The Boy are too good to be true. I miss my parents. I miss helping the speech team. I want my old life back, essentially. It's been fun Chicago, but I think our relationship has an expiration date.

Also I turned a quarter-century old and spent the last week of the year hobbling around like an old person because I inexplicably hurt my back. Awesome.

Things I Hope Come to Pass in '11
-Move back to the suburbs
-Go to New York and meet the long lost fams
-Not lose The Boy again
-Get on the management track
-Chop off my long(er), sexy-like hair
-Help plan a wedding
-Seester goes to grad school!

Get ready for the campaigns for 2012 to start, and for my Sarah Palin costume to get a good workout.

Changes, please,