Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Man less?

For anyone who's counting, this is the first January since 9th grade that I have been 100% boyfriendless. It feels a little strange, like being pathetic and liberated all at the same time.

Dear me, an edit?
Wednesday Feb. 1st, 2006 5:07pm

Have you seen that cell phone commercial that advocates unlimited "Call Me" minutes, "so even when they waste your time, they don't waste your money"? Have you seen the one where the girl is getting ready for a night out, and the guy on the other line says something along the lines of "Hey... it's me, the guy you've been trying to let down nicely. I think maybe there might be something wrong with your voicemail, but I really appreciate that you picked up this time unlike the other 21 times I've called. So, I was thinking that we had a really good connection that night...five weeks ago. So I hope we can get together sometime soon!"?


My lesson from the month of January has been this: Even though things seem like they should be one way, sometimes they just don't turn out right. Hopefully my lesson in February will be one which I handle with grace.

That is all, fo realz,

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